What's Included
Your Yoga Teacher Training Classes
You will have 75-hours, of your 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training, in-person with Syl. This includes our five transformative Yoga Teacher Training weekends, where we dive into this incredibly inspired way to practice and teach.
You will also have access to this entire Yoga Teacher Training experience with our FULL YTT Curriculum streaming online (this way you can enjoy your in-person experience, without the pressure of processing all you are learning at the moment), along with our private FaceBook group of enrollees/graduates supporting each other in really beautiful ways.
Your 600-Page Manual
One of the most comprehensive yoga manuals available with: 108 pages of yoga poses alone, (with tips for sequencing, yoga pose modifications, health benefits, anatomy, Ayurveda dosha effect, modifications, contraindications); as well as over 300 variations of your 108 basic asana pages. Learn how to sequence yoga poses; including class templates for teaching students, yoga philosophies.
You are set apart from the crowd
You receive in-depth training in safe and inspired hand-on adjusting, using Bodhi Yoga’s Restorative Partner Yoga techniques.
You have the use of the Bodhi Yoga™ to complete your practice teaching hours, included in your tuition, with access to ongoing mentorship and guidance as you grow in your teaching.
"I just want to say, as far as the manual goes, that I feel far more prepared to teach from this than I did when I left with my teacher certification to teach school, in college, so thank you."
Amy Jo Johnson