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[hdot size=”4″]Click on the four file-tabs and get a FREE 30-Minute Chakra Deck™ class with Syl[/hdot]

[tabgroup][tab title=”Your Bodhi Yoga Chakra Deck™” id=”t1″]

What Your Chakra Deck™ Includes:


Your 7 Primary Chakras

Seven-Chakras-Your-Nature-CardsThe basis for your chakras are 7 primary centers, included in your Chakra Deck™ as your “My Nature” chakra Cards.  Each “My Nature” card, from Root Chakra 1, to Crown Chakra 7, is  followed by 6 chakra-in-chakra cards that lead you through each one of your chakras, one step at a time, like a winding stairway to living your full potential.

Your Red Root Chakra 1 governs all your survival, health and money.  Your Orange Sacral Chakra 2 governs your sexuality, creative instincts and enjoyment.  Your Yellow Solar Chakra 3 governs your will-power, control and transforming.  Your Green Chakra 4 governs your love, relationships and ability to be balanced. Your Blue Chakra 5 governs your speaking, listening and vibration.  Your Indigo Chakra 6 governs your timing, intuition and ability to be clear, and your Violet Chakra 7 governs your spirituality, intelligence and life potential.

You will love these sacred gems, as you meditate on the beautiful images (painted by Syl), use the mantras and work with the intentions.  Each of these 49 primary “Your Nature” and “Chakra-in-Chakra” cards will take you step-by-step through the paths between; where your survival and money meet your instincts and creativity.  The amazing path between the power over your life, at your solar center, and the power within, as you peek gently into your Heart Chakra 4 cards.  This beautiful Bodhi Yoga Chakra Deck™ will guide you to a new understanding of your potentials, held right in the palm of your hand.

Learning From Your Chakra Perspectives

chakra-7-syl-carson-yin-yang-chakra-deck-copyright-all-rights-reservedYour 42 Chakra-in-Chakra cards can be set side-by-side in your meditation to learn the lower and higher octaves of how your chakras communicate.  Discover your holographic chakras, that can heal, or clear, or awaken you in the blink of your “third-eye”.  You will see the chakras like never before when you learn how each of your chakras work within the rest.  You will treasure your path into alignment and awakening, using this Chakra Deck™, a system that is both divinely intricate, yet sublimely simple.

You will love the new insight, energetic support and beautiful 7 Chakras Mind & Body mandala images, your daily chakra mantra, and deep, life-changing intentions on each card.

You may even want to turn your deck face down and let the universe guide your path.  Pick a card, any card, and see where your intentions should be directed, to do you the most good in your life.

However you want to learn, you can make it as general or individual as you wish, with this wonderfully versatile and supportive chakra gift!

Bringing Your Dreams Into Reality

chakra-7-Syl-carson-all-rights-reserved-chakra-deck-awakened-cardsOnce you have worked with the  “Your Nature Cards” that will help you remove blocks and limitations, as you move up through the 7 Chakra layers from the physical to spiritual perspective, you are ready to manifest more fully the life you would choose (even if you could simply pick it out of a deck of cards).

Your “Awakened Path” chakra cards will help you discover your ideal chakra alignment.  The lovely mandalas will inspire the best out of your meditations, the Mantras will touch your soul, and the Intentions will help you learn to truly let go and let full-spectrum goodness flow into your life.

You can match them up with each of the chakra-in-chakra cards, winding your way down through your 7 Chakras Mind & Body.   For example: Beginning with your “Awakened Heart Path”, moving through your “Heart-in Crown” card, all the way down through the “Heart in Root” card, and discover new ways to share and bring more love into your life.

Yes, there is an “Awakened Chakra Path” for each of your 7 Chakras Mind & Body.  Learn this wonderful path of allowing blessings beyond measure to flow to you.

Shiva-Shakti Nadis and Your Inner and Outer Countenance

Your Chakras connect, and work with each other as ONE Awakened stream of mind and body, when you understand the catalysts.  Your “Nadi” and “Countenance” Chakra Deck™ cards help you know which direction you may be overly focusing on.  These cards carry the hidden wisdom in your chakra matrix; they hold the code to help you get your chakras moving, and your life even beyond where you would love it to be.

Yoga is the origin of the 7 Chakras Mind & Body.  Bodhi Yoga’s primary aim is to bring truth from all directions into one great “Whole” and “Yoke” them together to be more meaningful for you. These cards will help you get the big picture and use what you learn in clearly applicable ways  in your life.[/content_slider][/tab]

[tab title=”Need Basics: What is a Chakra?” id=”t2″]

The chakras come from the tantric traditions of yoga.  Chakra is a sanskrit word that means “wheel”, as in the circle of a blossom. Your Chakras were originally perceived by yogi seers, over 2500 years ago, who were alchemists seeking immortality.  In their meditations, these holy men saw symbolic lotus flowers depicting hidden wisdom, for connecting inner-outer healing, heaven-earth perspectives, yin-yang alignments; the lower physical experience of stress and struggle, with the higher realms of the spirit of intentions flowing abundance.


[hdot size=”4″]What is a Chakra? Scroll the arrows below and discover your chakras![/hdot]


Muladhara: Your Physical Nature

chakra-one-root-utah-yoga-certification-copyright-2013-syl-carson-all-rights-reservedYour first Chakra governs all beginnings in the physical world, including your money, health, family and survival issues.  When you have a healthy “Root Chakra”, you are grounded in all the goodness of mortality.  This earth element chakra, is the root or foundation of the all the other chakras, and physically situated at the base of your spine, legs and feet. It is considered the “sleeping place” of Kundalini Shakti—the awakening manifestation we call “Mother Nature”. Your Root holds all your potential in the raw.  The vibrational range of the red color spectrum, things move pretty slow at the Root.  Issues that arise from your Root Chakra usually arise for you to learn let go of your fears and embrace greater patience in the foundational circumstances of your life.

How is your Root Chakra 1:  How often are you afraid of life’s risks, over-committed, physically tired, in financial lack, or manifesting the life you dream of?  

These are all indications that your Root Chakra 1 needs you to get back to basics.

Swadhisthana: Your Emotional-Sexual Nature

chakra-two-sacral-utah-yoga-certification-copyright-2013-syl-carson-all-rights-reservedYour second chakra governs your sexuality, emotional well-being and your creativity.  When you have a healthy “Sacral Chakra”, you naturally enjoy life’s eb and flow, and have a strong instinct for fun.  This water element chakra holds your instinctual emotions of creativity, movement and playfulness. This Chakra is at the reproductive center of the low abdomen and sacral plexus. The vibrational range of orange on the color spectrum, things begin to move in relation to others in your circle.   Issues in your Sacral Chakra usually arise for you to learn to play a more healthy balance between expression and repression of your emotions, sexuality and instinctual creativity, which can flow more easily when you let go of  those over doses of guilt in your life.

How is your Sacral Chakra 2:  How often do you feel guilty, sexually frustrated or exploiting yourself, creatively blocked, over-emotional or indulgent, sad, depressed or over-isolated and lonely?  

These are all indications that your Sacral Chakra 2 needs your nurturing.
Manipura: Your Ego’s Nature

chakra-three-solar-utah-yoga-certification-copyright-2013-syl-carson-all-rights-reservedYour third chakra governs your personal power to transform and empower your life to become the way you would choose.  When you have a healthy Solar Chakra, you are motivated to make great things happen for yourself and others. This fire element chakra connects us to our self-esteem, personality and will-power; located at the solar plexus, core-body. Your solar chakra is the hub of the digestive processes, both physically and metaphorically, transforming raw material into empowering energy. The vibrational range of yellow on the color spectrum, things begin to heat up and get you motivated to shine on your potential.   Issues in your Solar Chakra usually arise for you to learn to take a stand, OWN who YOU are, BIG-TIME, and shed the shame in your life that arises from the distorted use of power.

How is your Solar Chakra 3:  How often can you loose the weight you want, manage your anger,  ask for that raise, be manipulated or take advantage of others for your personal benefit?  

These are all indications that your Solar Chakra 3 is way out of whack.

Anahata: Your Altruistic Nature

chakra-four-heart-utah-yoga-certification-copyright-2013-syl-carson-all-rights-reservedYour fourth Chakra governs your ability to both give and receive a healthy balance of love; a bridge for balancing heaven-earth, spiritual-physical, yin-yang, and female-male relationships in your life.   The name Anahata means “un-struck sound” referencing the space for potential. The vibrational range of green, that balancer on the light color spectrum, located from your heart, out though your arms and hands.  Your heart is the central hub for rhythms beating between your physical and spiritual life. A healthy “Heart Chakra” is where you find “middle ground” or balanced rhythms in your relationships, your surroundings, people, places and things. Issues in your Heart Chakra usually surface to help you learn to embrace all that life has to teach you more wholeheartedly and trade your grieving for an atmosphere of gratitude, respect and love with a capital “L”.

How is your Heart Chakra 4:  How comfortable are you in your relationships, giving or receiving touch, love or gifts, feeling like your life is balanced and fresh, how easy are you breathing right now?  

Take a deep breath and let out a nice, long, sighhhhhhhh…You are now on your way to balancing your Heart Chakra 4. 

Visuddha: Your Vibrational Nature

chakra-five-throat-utah-yoga-certification-copyright-2013-syl-carson-all-rights-reservedYour fifth Chakra governs your ability communicate.  A great communicator is someone who can both hear and be heard, as well as understand the “vibe” of any given experience.  This sound element chakra encompasses all the way down to the “vibrational” level of the bright blue color spectrum. Your surroundings also “say” a lot about who you are communicating yourself to be.  When you live in integrity with who you present yourself to be, your presence will have cleansing effect on others. When you enjoy a balanced Throat Chakra (the throat, mouth and ears) you can speak your truths, as well as listen to others truths of who you are to them.  Issues in the Throat Chakra usually surface to help you learn to live more honestly, to purify yourself from the lies or stories you’ve been telling yourself, and let the truth of who you are raise your “good vibrations” to the surface.

How is your Throat Chakra 5:  How freely to you speak your truth, how honestly do you hear how others speak of you, would you rather just listen to yourself talk, how much do you value your ethics, reputation and personal integrity, what kind of face do you put on for others, what do the people, places and things you surround yourself with “say” about you, how many people really know the real YOU?

Most of us would rather drop down into control, denial, and fear, rather than face our honest truth.  Your Throat Chakra 5 is your last chance to make things right before you either create more karma, or you are able to enter the higher realms of your “Dharma” (magnify your life’s potential).  Either way, doing some purifying here is well worth your while!

Ajna: Your Intuitive Nature

chakra-six-brow-utah-yoga-certification-copyright-2013-syl-carson-all-rights-reservedYour Sixth Chakra governs both intuition (knowing what’s going on inside), and insight (knowing what’s going on outside), as well as commanding the indigo spectrum of your inner desires outward into full fruition.  This space element chakra is located between the brow center of the forehead, with the pineal gland, developing even before the brain in embryo, often called “the third eye”.  This center is where you learn how to “move mountains” with your inner vision; to create the most abundance with the least amount of effort. This center also governs your inner life cycle clock, triggering puberty, adulthood and eventually the timing of transitioning from your body into Spirit, through a process we call death.  Issues in the Brow Chakra usually surface to help you learn to trust your sixth-sense, and let go of illusions, as you discern the difference between the time being right as apposed to “RIPE”.

How is your Brow Chakra 6:   How much do you worry or over-think your life.  How well to you trust your own sense of intuition, how clearly to you see and use your senses when making decisions and plans, how often are you willing trust your promptings and align your actions in your life with your intuition, at the “RIPE” time and place?

Your Third-Eye Brow Chakra 6, will only lead you off-course, if you are trying to skip steps.  When you’ve begun clearing your karmas in the lower chakras as you go, you have nothing to worry about here.  

Sahasrara: Your Divine Nature

chakra-seven-crown-utah-yoga-certification-copyright-2013-syl-carson-all-rights-reservedYour Seventh Chakra governs your thoughts and beliefs; your chakra of enlightenment, rules the sealing connection between you to your Divine Source.  On the light-speed Violet spectrum, there are more neuro-connections in your brain than stars in the universe and more cells in your body, than grains of sand on the planet; so who is bigger? When your “crown chakra”, the top of the head, is healthy, it can witness your Essential Truths in every other center of the body, right down to the cellular level. Issues in the Crown Chakra usually surface to help you learn that it is your attachments that can distract you from what’s most important. When your crown is open, healing occurs at quantum speed; it feels like coming home to the essence of who you really are, with Grace pulsating through you, witnessing to you your Divine paths, realized potential and infinite value.

How is your Crown Chakra 7:   Do you feel your life has purpose?  Do you understand the big-picture easily?  Do you feel you are connected in your life and in your spirituality?  Do you have one way of thinking, doing and being?  Are you manifesting the life you were born to live right now?

Your Crown Chakra 7, moves you beyond any time-table, and helps you feel purpose.  Your days will fly-by when your chakras are in alignment, because you are at home in your own potential…  Welcome home!  If you are not here yet, you will love the Bodhi Yoga Chakra Deck™[/content_slider][/tab]

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Take a FREE 27-minute Bodhi Yoga Chakra Deck™ tutorial


[tab title=”Chakra therapy session with Syl” id=”t4″]

By phone or in-person, schedule your private chakra therapy reading here:

syl-bio-chakra-1Syl Carson RYT-CTYT,  has nearly 20 years of experience working with yoga students and clients in clearing, aligning and magnifying their potential, using chakra therapy.  She is the artist-designer of these beautiful cards, as well as the intuitive channel for the mantras and intentions included in this lovely Chakra Deck™.  She offers private sessions (by phone or in person), for individuals who would like to learn how to improve their life using Chakra Therapy.  She will give you personal guidance, that fits you best, on how to make the most of your chakra deck; as well as help you learn how to read your chakras. Through the Summer of 2013, she has opened up a place in her schedule to accept new clients. Reserve your space soon, an secure a spot going forward.

In addition to a wide range of chakra therapies and intuitive reading, Syl will help you find the right yoga, aromatherapy, and wide array of therapeutic techniques to help bring you into alignment . Syl is an intuitive healer, who loves helping clients awaken and make use of their own healing journey.

Syl, herself has healed many health challenges including fibromyalgia, as well as invasive breast cancer.  She lives well, with Rheumatoid Arthritis (in fact she has been symptom-free while writing and designing this Chakra Deck™).  She understands, firsthand, the nuances of using your challenges as important fuel for your potential.  The chakra path is one she walks in integrity, every day, and she is happy to offer a helping hand to you, as you discover your chakra potential.  Schedule today by purchasing your session below:

Initial Consult: $175.00 for 2 hours
(follow-up sessions: $75.00)

Syl will contact you within 24-hours by your email to schedule a time for your phone consult.  Your session will include recommended classes available here at gobodhiyoga.com that Syl will authorize you to view. (60-day expire)

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[hdot size=”4″]Enroll in 7 Chakras Mind & Body Certification or simply purchase your Chakra Deck™ here[/hdot][one_half]

7 Chakras Mind & Body Online Certification:

Available for purchase NOW. Your 300-page Chakra Therapy reference manual will be shipped to you today, and you will have access to view the classes as they are loaded up to gobodhiyoga.com beginning June 5th, and full program completion uploads by August 20th, 2013 !

Sessions One, Two & Three
Comprehensive Certification Program
Tuition: $650.

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chakra-7-syl-carson-chakra-deckPurchase your Bodhi Yoga Chakra Deck™ Here:

Learn about your chakras and view a free 27-minute free class on how to use your Bodhi Yoga Chakra Deck™: Click Here


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