7 Charkas Mind & Body Session 3
Dive delightfully DEEP, into the that way your 7 chakras are affecting your relationships at home, work and in your life to come. Participate in virtual Chakra Therapy sessions with Syl, following along with your own Chakra Deck™ from home.
Enjoy daily alignment without saying a word or doing a thing, as you view the light-color Chakra Therapy Videos.
FEEL the vibrational shift pouring through YOU, 7 Chakras Mind & Body!
Four Pillars of Facilitating Bodhi Yoga™ Chakra Therapy Sessions: Relationship Chakra Dynamics with Female-Anima vs. Male-Animus Chakras, Practicum Chakra Therapy Classes, Liberating Chakra Current and Manifesting Chakra Current Light-color Chakra Therapy Chakra Alignments
3-01 Introduction to Basic Chakra Therapy
33 min class where Syl reviews how to use this program as you give private Chakra…
3-02 Aromatherapy for the Chakras
26 min class that includes Syl's overview of chakra aromatherapy sections from Session One of 7…
3-03 Certification Completion Instructions
33 min class where Syl reviews how to use this program as you give private Chakra…
3-04 How the Moon Affects Chakras
46 min class where Syl guides you through a brilliant understanding of how the monthly…
3-05 Female-Male Root Chakra 1 Online Class
27-min online Female-Male Root Chakra 1 class. Syl teaches you to recognize the Root Center Chakra 1 full-spectrum…
3-06 Root Chakra Therapy 1 Online Class
60-min online Root Chakra Therapy practicum class. Syl guides Jeri through a Root Center Chakra 1 therapy practice,…
3-07 Root Chakra 1 Liberating Color Therapy I
2 minutes of online light color therapy for your Root Chakra 1. The Chakra Mandala Light-Color video…
3-08 Root Chakra 1 Manifesting Color Therapy II
3 minutes of online light color therapy for your Root Chakra 1. The Chakra Mandala Light-Color video…
3-09 Female-Male Sacral Chakra 2 Online Class
20-min online Holographic Sacral Chakra 2 class. Syl teaches you to recognize the Sacral Center Chakra 2 full-spectrum…
3-10 Sacral Chakra Therapy 2 Online Class
https://vimeo.com/76632524EXCLUSIVELY FOR ENROLLEES IN 7 CHAKRAS MIND & BODY CERTIFICATION 60-min online Sacral Chakra Therapy…
3-11 Sacral Chakra 2 Liberating Color Therapy I
2 minutes of online light color therapy for your Sacral Chakra 2. The Chakra Mandala Light-Color video…
3-12 Sacral Chakra 2 Manifesting Color Therapy II
3 minutes of online light color therapy for your Sacral Chakra 2. The Chakra Mandala Light-Color video…
3-13 Female-Male Solar Chakra 3 Online Class
25-min online Holographic Solar Chakra 3 class. Syl teaches you to recognize the Solar Center Chakra 3 full-spectrum…
3-14 Solar Chakra Therapy 3 Online Class
60-min online Solar Chakra Therapy practicum class. Syl guides Mindy through a Solar Chakra 3 therapy practice,…
3-15 Solar Chakra 3 Liberating Color Therapy I
2 minutes of online light color therapy for your Solar Chakra 3. The Chakra Mandala Light-Color video…
3-16 Power Chakra 3 Manifesting Color Therapy II
3 minutes of online light color therapy for your Solar Chakra 4. The Chakra Mandala Light-Color video…
3-17 Female-Male Heart Chakra 4 Online Class
22-min online Holographic Heart Chakra 4 class. Syl teaches you to recognize the Heart Center Chakra 4 full-spectrum…
3-18 Heart Chakra Therapy 4 Online Class
https://vimeo.com/76632527 60-min online Heart Chakra Therapy practicum class. Syl guides Jenn through a Heart Chakra 4 therapy practice,…
3-19 Heart Chakra 4 Liberating Color Therapy I
2 minutes of online light color therapy for your Heart Chakra 4 . The Chakra Mandala Light-Color video…
3-20 Heart Chakra 4 Manifesting Color Therapy II
3 minutes of online light color therapy for your Heart Chakra 4. The Chakra Mandala Light-Color video…
3-21 Female-Male Throat Chakra 5 Online Class 2
22-min online Holographic Throat Chakra 5 class. Syl teaches you to recognize the Throat Center Chakra 5 full-spectrum…
3-22 Throat Chakra Therapy 5 Online Class
60-min online Throat Chakra Therapy practicum class. Syl guides Renea and Christi through a Throat Chakra 5 therapy…
3-23 Throat Chakra 5 Liberating Color Therapy I
2 minutes of online light color therapy for your Throat Chakra 5. The Chakra Mandala Light-Color video…
3-24 Throat Chakra 5 Manifesting Color Therapy II
3 minutes of online light color therapy for your Throat Chakra 5. The Chakra Mandala Light-Color video…
3-25 Female-Male Third Eye Chakra 6 Online Class
22-min online Holographic Third Eye Chakra 6 class. Syl teaches you to develop your intuition when…
3-26 Third Eye Chakra Therapy 6 Online Class
60-min online Third Eye Chakra Therapy practicum class. Syl guides Maria through a Third Eye Chakra 6 therapy…
3-27 Third Eye Chakra 6 Liberating Color Therapy I
2 minutes of online light color therapy for your Third Eye Chakra 6. Light-Color video to…
3-28 Third Eye Chakra 6 Manifesting Color Therapy II
3 minutes of online light color therapy for your Third Eye Chakra 6. The Chakra Mandala Light-Color…
3-29 Female-Male Crown Chakra 7 Online Class
22-min online Male-Female Crown Chakra 7 class. Syl teaches you to develop your intuition when…
3-30 Crown Chakra Therapy 7 Online Class
60-min online Crown Chakra Therapy practicum class. Syl guides Rani through a Crown Chakra 7 therapy practice, with…
3-31 Crown Chakra 7 Liberating Color Therapy I
2 minutes of online light color therapy for your Crown Chakra 7. Light-Color video to clear…
3-32 Crown Chakra 7 Manifesting Color Therapy II:
3 min-33 sec of online light color therapy for your Crown Chakra 7. Chakra Mandala Light-Color…
Chakra Therapy Certification Program Session Three Follow-up:
Begin completing your Bodhi Yoga Chakra Therapist Certification packet for your own 7 Chakras Mind & Body Certification Packet. You can download a fresh copy under “files” on our 7 Chakras Mind & Body Facebook group.