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Online Adaptive Yoga Therapy classes and workshops for individuals and their care-givers.  Offering profound support within the yogic perspective when dealing with adversity.  Simply log-in with your computer, smartphone or tablet and allow healing to begin.

Yoga for Depression

Yoga for Depression & Anxiety Stress is a deep conversation to help you, or a loved-one
find greater emotional balance through Bodhi Yoga™ philosophies and practice.

YOGA FOR DEPRESSION & STRESS PART 1: The Prakruti & Vikruti of emotional health and well-being. 25-min

YOGA FOR DEPRESSION & STRESS PART 2: The Healing Process to find lasting emotional peace.  40-min

YOGA FOR DEPRESSION PRACTICE: Yoga for easing symptoms of depression and anxiety. 58-min.

Yoga for Cancer

In-depth discussion, yoga, breathing and meditation classes,
for facing the adversity our culture calls cancer,
with Bodhi Yoga™ founder Syl Carson.

Syl faced, was treated for and found healing during an invasive breast cancer diagnosis.
She shares this online offering, with a heartfelt desire to support others facing this intimate journey:

POWER OF ADVERSITY: Glimpse into the hidden potential of hard times. Syl’s journey with invasive breast cancer. 3-min

FACING DIAGNOSIS & TREATMENT:  Syl shares her journey of facing the adversity our culture calls cancer. 50-min

YOGA PRACTICE FOR CANCER: Gentle practice, breathing, stretching and meditation in-treatment. 50 min

SETTING SAFE BOUNDARIES IN ADVERSITY: Creating a buffer-zone, where you can focus your energy on healing. 30-min

YOGA BREATHING FOR CANCER: Cancer cells struggle in oxygenated tissues, with daily breathing. 30-min.

YOGA FOR CONSTIPATION: Gentle poses, ease constipation, nausea and digestive distress during chemo. 30-min

YOGA FOR INSOMNIA: Tips for caregivers and patients experiencing insomnia during chemo. 30-min.

YOGA FOR BONE PAIN: Gentle stretches and helpful techniques for bone pain during chemo. 30-min

CAREGIVER PARTNER YOGA: Gently soothing partner yoga to ease symptoms & anxiety, during chemo 30-min.

RADIATION TIGHTNESS & LIVING MOVEMENT:  Gentle stretching & sound therapies to ease radiation tightness. 30-min

THE HIDDEN GIFTS IN CANCER: Deep discussion the life-changing conversations in adversity. 30-min.

DAILY MEDITATION FOR HEALING:  Daily meditation and deep discussion for cancer & beyond. 30-min