Restorative Partner Yoga Certification
Advanced Ayurvedic hands-on adjusting and Restorative Partner Yoga training for enrollees and graduates of the Bodhi Yoga™ Teacher Certification, sets you apart from regular yoga teachers.
Reserve your enrollment in our next session soon:
Session One:
March 28th-30th, 2024
Thursday-Saturday, 10 am-4 pm
Marma Point RPY Session
Learning in-depth advanced
Ayurvedic Hands-on Adjusting
(for offering 1-hour private yoga session)
Session Two:
April 11th-13th, 2024
Thursday-Saturday 10 am-4 pm
10 Sense Nadi Line RPY Session
Learning in-depth the healer’s art
of advanced Hands-on Adjusting
(for offering 1-hour private yoga session)
Session Three:
May 17th-18th , 2024
Friday-Saturday 10 am-4 pm
Blend a Marma and 10 Sens Nadi Session Workshops & Extended Sessions
(90-min RPY Session)
Learn to design and lead guided RPY workshops
Remember: Enrolling in the RPY Training will extend your Yoga Teacher Training requirements deadline by an additional two years.
Many of the hours your spend on your YTT requirements can also be filled doing your RPY training.
Daily Itinerary Thursday-Saturday Daily Schedule:
10 am RPY Sequencing & practice
12:45-2pm lunch
2-4 pm RPY Sequencing & practice

"Syl’s practical knowledge is fabulous–she is masterful with the hands-on yoga techniques…I love the mirroring principle of doing a yoga pose with your partner, that helped me gain energy from the practice, rather than draining me. Excellent!"
Marla Berkow, Naperville, Illinois
Set Yourself Apart as a Yoga Teacher:
You will gain additional skills that set you apart; offering a course of private yoga sessions, specific to your student’s dosha (biological temperament), with beneficial effects for both of you, beyond what could ever be achieved in a yoga class. When your student returns to their own yoga, in class or at home, they will have gained a deeper understanding of the energy, alignment and benefit available in their yoga poses.
In essence, you gain a niche’ into something far above what’s widely available from certified yoga teachers.
When I began offering private Partner Yoga Session-Classes to my clientele, I was managing a local bank full-time. I began doing these private classes on my lunch hour for $80/$90-min. Soon I was booked out for a month.
Doing this work (along with my yoga teaching) made it possible for me to make a living exclusively as a yoga teacher. Within a year I was doing two private Partner Yoga session-classes a day, 4-days a week, for a monthly income of between $2,800 to $3600-per month. So essentially, I brought in income, EVERY MONTH, nearly double what I paid for in the tuition-cost of this training.
When teaching yoga to groups, the skill of offering a partner-yoga repertoire, gives you the natural ability to build a private clientele. You’ll learn how to “read” your student’s bodies and assist them in feeling the benefits of yoga, beyond what is possible in a traditional yoga class setting.
Offering workshops is a perfect way to increase awareness in your community of what sets you apart as a Bodhi Yoga Teacher with advanced training. Often, people who would be too inhibited to committing themselves to yoga classes, will try a workshop.
Learning to work with groups is it’s own branch of yoga. A workshop setting is very different than a group class. You’ll set your self apart as you learn how to prepare, market and complete life-changing partner yoga experiences, that range from partner-spouse relationships, to yoga for illness-chronic-pain-recovery, to team-building dynamics and much more.
If you are local, you will be able to use the Bodhi Yoga Studio for a nominal cost, to hold your special events.
Your 400-page manual and 300-page Marma Point Reference Workbook include beautifully photographed and illustrated, full-color pages, which will open a whole new world of yoga to your fingertips! This entire training has been filmed and is streaming online (also included in your tuition free for 2 years). Our materials help you come full-circle in your yoga practice and mind-body well-being, as you learn over 70 inspired Hands-on-Adjusting techniques, as well as:
– Three Branches of Partner Yoga
– Art & Benefit of doing Yoga Asana as part of Hands-on Adjusting
– “Synergy Healing” power in partner yoga poses
– 10 Phases of a Restorative Private Partner Yoga Session
– Ayurvedic anatomy of partner yoga
– Teaching Marma Point and 10-Sense Energy Lines in Yoga poses
– Leading guided partner yoga workshops
– Templates for private yoga sessions & workshops
These three sessions, include our 3-day weekends of BLISS, and are an experiential, in-person treat. We learn, share and practice together, a truly wonderful yoga modality that advances you beyond the traditional yoga teacher mind-set, into a well-rounded and masterful healer.
You learn with your mind, while FEELING with your body, just how beneficial this synergistic aspect of Bodhi’s restorative partner yoga can be.
Enroll with your tuition by March 1st, 2024, for a $200 tuition discount. In addition, you can begin streaming your Partner Yoga Hands-on Adjusting classes, then join in person for the next session:
Tuition: $2,950.00
Special Early-bird Enrollment!
Please keep in mind that Syl intentionally keeps the RPY groups small, and also needs to keep the numbers correct, so we all have partners to work with as we learn this wonderful modality. Syl holds each RPY session based on YTT students’ requests and gives you the entire program upfront, so by enrolling you agree that all tuitions are non-refundable. Your tuition never expires, so you can make up missed days at future sessions, Syl will also hold follow-up weekends as needed, or there is always our full online program that streams 24/7. We will always support you in receiving the very fullest opportunity to dive in.

“Satcitānanda”, the yoga word for “The Knowing Awareness of BLISS”; a means of knowing what a good thing is, while you have it. Your student-clients will awaken to what a gift practicing yoga with YOU is. They will ‘get-it’, feel-it and create a life-long relationship of feeling good, through this special Partner Yoga gift you offer!
Syl Carson, Bodhi Yoga Founder