Weekly Bodhi Yoga™ Donation Based Classes in Provo, Utah
In celebration of nearly 30 years of sharing this excellent practice, we are yet again evolving and awakening to what yoga can be in the Utah Valley community by moving to a donation-based/pay-what-you-can yoga studio for our public weekly classes led by Bodhi Yoga Founding Director Syl Carson!
Here’s what is on her mind:
"Ultimately, we are each responsible for stewarding the energy we bring to our daily lives. Yoga helps us fine-tune that energy as we gain experience and perspective and learn about the flow of abundance. As we learn to live more functionally through our lives, we learn the power of trust. Yoga is the practice of leaning into mutual trust between body, mind, and spirit. Ultimately, we benefit most from that trust when we share what flow we have been blessed with with others. Sometimes, that’s an exchange of goods and services; sometimes, it’s simply an exchange of kindness. I intend to share this practice I call Bodhi Yoga™ with you in this way. As always, it is a labor of love.”
Syl Carson, Bodhi Yoga Founding-Director
2025 Bodhi Yoga™ Weekly Class Schedule
(in addition to our full curriculum of certifications):
Each class has room for about 18 people and is offered on a first-come basis:
How it works:
First things, first, in order to practice at Bodhi Yoga, you must be symptom-free and in good health to join in person.
The recommended donation is due anytime before you step on your mat for class (just simply note on your Venmo payment which class day and time you’re paying for). Bodhi Yoga™ provides all mats and props, there is never an additional cost for mat rental, we just ask that you wipe it down with mat wipes (provided) when you finish class.
All levels of yoga experience and body shapes are welcome here.
Donations requested are tied to helping you get into the flow. Syl gives guidance to help you figure out which option fits your current financial circumstance with a variety of options:
Pay-as-you-go cash/Venmo options:
$15 Donation: I AM IN THE FLOW—I don’t struggle to make ends meet each month. I’m naturally and perpetually in the flow of abundance and can meet my financial needs each month.
$10 Donation: I Am On My Way—Some weeks I might not be able to both come and pay, because something random has created finances that are a bit strapped. Paying the discounted 10$ means I’m showing the universe that I’ll be back on track soon, using my yoga practice to remind me that I am empowered to get myself in a perpetual feel-good space.
$ 5 Donation: I am READY—I’m in a short-term pinch. I need to get by with what I can this week, and I need some yoga to get my mind out of stress loop thinking and back in my abundance flow.
$ GOOD KARMA Yoga option: I AM OPEN—if you would otherwise not be able to pay rent or buy food and get your yoga practice, this is the time you need Yoga the most, to develop good intentional skills for reconnecting with the abundance that is trying to find you in your life:
Do your part by recognizing that you are always worthy of abundance and sustained security, by first coming to class AND then second, in lieu of class tuition post a link and share the Bodhi Love on social media—
— Like Bodhi Yoga’s Facebook page and post a link to gobodhiyoga.com with a kind referral on your own Facebook page.
—Follow gobodhiyoga Instagram page and post to your Instagram (or other social media you are on) with a link #gobodhiyoga
—Not on social media at all? Text two friends, sharing what you’ve loved about the Bodhi Yoga experience with Syl include a link to: gobodhiyoga.com
Whichever option is right for you, give it in gratitude, because Syl and all who have ever supported this beautiful Bodhi Yoga space are sharing wholeheartedly with you.
Monthly unlimited donation-based options, because I don’t want to think about paying every time I come:
(this would include 12 regular weekly classes each month, as well as the two summer outdoor session classes weekly during August and September at The Labyrinth)
$108. Monthly Mala Dharma—I don’t struggle to make ends meet each month. I’m naturally in the flow of ample abundance and realize that my contribution to Syl Carson’s well-being and the perpetual well-being of the Bodhi Yoga space will help to assure that this wonderful space and wonderful classes will perpetually thrive for both myself and others.
$85. I Am On My Way—some weeks I might not be able to both come and pay, because something random has created finances that are a bit strapped. Paying the discounted 85$ for unlimited monthly classes means I’m showing the universe that I’ll be back on track soon, using my yoga practice to remind me that I am empowered to get myself in a more substantial feel-good space.
$50. I Am Ready—I’m in a short-term pinch. I need to get by with what I can this month, and I need some yoga to get me back in my abundance flow for good.
Summer Outdoor BodhiFusion™ Yoga Classes at the Labyrinth: 2025 Season August-September 2025:
BodhiFlow Tuesday & Thursday Evenings 6-7:30 pm
BodhiSpin Saturday Mornings 9-10:30 am
Available weekly August-September (Weather permitting)
These classes are a fusion of all the best of Bodhi Yoga™ with a blend of gentle warming BodhiFlow, Asana & BodhiYin Yoga Restorative that takes you through layers of a deeply moving Yoga Nidra (Syl style).
Yoga class lasts around 50 minutes with 40 minutes to walk the labyrinth after yoga has opened and aligned your body, mind, and soul.
You won’t want to miss the outdoor Labyrinth experience!
PLEASE NOTE: Enrollees and graduates of Bodhi Yoga™ Certifications are given first preference in all in-person classes and events, as Syl’s dharma is to support yoga teachers, life coaches, licensed clinicians, health care workers, and healers across the globe. She is the guru’s guru, who offers safe harbor to those helping so many others to weather life’s storms and to support and strengthen those who are contributing so much to holding the planet together!
Also, under the “Meditations” drop-down menu take a look a joining in on her several in-person and online events open to larger public groups each year! You can also check out the “Certifications” drop-down menu to learn more about becoming Bodhi Yoga™ Certified, qualifying you to teach what you learn in these life-changing 8-week Bodhi Yoga Series™ (also available by zoom).
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND: Syl and many of the students who practice in person at Bodhi Yoga are immunocompromised. You must be in perfect health to join in person, as taking extra care to take of each other is the Bodhi Yoga™ way. If you are not fully symptom-free, you can always join by Zoom each week.