We don’t need to tell you that we are in incredibly transformative times!
Information is changing by the minute. We at Bodhi Yoga continue to distill down what is essential to help YOU feel clear and equal to each moment, body, mind and spirit.

Here’s how we are using the historic Covid-19 to REBIRTH our approach:

We are taking the Summer Yoga Teacher Training outside to THE LABYRINTH–with new training on how to create multiple streams of income and a viable yoga business in transformative times!

We are sharing a FREE Bodhi Yoga Classes (under Videos) on our Facebook Page

We are offering special Zoom Class Bodhi Soul Weather Life-Coaching Events

Syl is doing private Natal Chart and Solar Return Readings by Skype

for in-person classes!

We are E X P A N D I N G our already 300+ online yoga classes, certifications and lifestyle
Virtual Bodhi Yoga Center to support you wherever you are most comfortable!

We are keeping each other centered, strong, healthy and safe,
by respecting public health recommendations when traveling into and out
of classes, workshops and even outdoor Bodhi Yoga Certifications.

We are, yet again, turning adversity into OPPORTUNITYbecause our yoga practice itself gives us the tools to remain whole and functional human-beings, regardless of circumstance.

We are providing what Bodhi Yoga has ALWAYS done–antimicrobial mats, disinfecting wipes,
hand-foot sanitizer, clear air cross-breeze through the Bodhi Space,
care and consideration for one another.

Come see what it feels like to feel like YOURSELF AGAIN!