[button color=”red” size=”small” link=”http://www.gobodhiyoga.com/7-chakras-mind-body-online-chakra-therapy-what-youll-learn/” style=”” target=””]What You’ll Learn[/button][button color=”red” size=”small” link=”http://www.gobodhiyoga.com/7-chakras-mind-body-online-chakra-therapy-whats-included/” style=”” target=””]What’s Included[/button][button color=”red” size=”small” link=”http://www.gobodhiyoga.com/7-chakras-mind-body-online-chakra-therapy-becoming-certified/” style=”” target=””]Your Clients[/button][button color=”red” size=”small” link=”http://www.gobodhiyoga.com/7-chakras-mind-body-online-class-with-syl-carson/” style=”” target=””]Session 1[/button][button color=”red” size=”small” link=”http://www.gobodhiyoga.com/7-chakras-mind-body-session-two/” style=”” target=””]Session 2[/button][button color=”red” size=”small” link=”http://www.gobodhiyoga.com/7-chakras-mind-body-session-three/” style=”” target=””]Session 3[/button][button color=”red” size=”small” link=”http://www.gobodhiyoga.com/7-chakras-mind-body-chakra-deck/” style=”” target=””]Chakra Deck™[/button][button color=”red” size=”small” link=”http://www.gobodhiyoga.com/7-chakras-mind-body-bodhi-yoga-chakra-therapies/” style=”” target=””]Chakra Therapies[/button][button color=”red” size=”small” link=”http://www.gobodhiyoga.com/7-chakras-mind-body-online-bodhi-yoga-chakra-training-with-syl-carson/” style=”” target=””]Enroll Now[/button]
Each Session includes online chakra therapy classes from your manual or Chakra Deck™, therapeutic direction and personal yoga study, so you can easily follow along from home.
Discover the Hidden wisdom in your chakra matrix
Syl teaches you to see how your chakras are running your life paths. You’ll learn the four pillars of chakra alignment, an integrative yoga practice for aligning your chakras, individually, to work together, 4 essential oils for each chakra center, gemstone therapy.
Discover how to clear your blocks and limitations using your dynamic feminine (anima in men), Mind and Body, and activate abundance, using your masculine (animus in women), to flow into your life.
So whether you are a yoga teacher, massage therapist, energy healer, or simply ready to learn more for yourself, you will fall in love with the beauty and personal transformation this program offers.
Your Energetic Fingerprint
Align your chakras to work as ONE enlightened light-stream called “YOU”. On the Bodhi Yoga™ path of awakening, each chakra center is a hologram for the rest, with every chakra holding the energy of all other 7 chakras.
In session two, you will learn 49 mini chakra yoga practices for aligning chakra-in-chakra that go beyond what is possible with daily energy routines. Discover 4-chakra therapies for each chakra-in-chakra hologram, the female-male and anima (his inner feminine) and animus (her inner masculine) chakras, as well as inspire a whole new perspective for how your individual chakra matrix heals within the hologram of all your chakra centers.
A journey where you will understand the depth of a simple and organic step-by-step approach to ChakraTherapy.
Offering Chakra Therapy Sessions using your Chakra Deck,
300-page manual and many other Chakra Therapy resources
Qualify for your Bodhi Yoga 7 Chakras Mind & Body™ Certification by completing your simple, yet transformative, follow-up packet within 12-months of your program purchase date.
Your certification authorizes you to teach from the Bodhi Yoga Chakra Deck™ and manual, purchase Bodhi Yoga Chakra AromaTherapy (semi-annually), download the 7 Chakras Mind & Body Alignment Videos, and offer private Chakra Therapy sessions to your clients and students. If you are joining in just for the personal journey, simply enjoy these amazing classes that take you delightfully deep, inspiring your chakra potential.
Receive ongoing Bodhi Yoga Chakra therapist access to this program, resources and evolution.
[/one_half_last][blockquote author=”Rio Ogawa, Japan”]“No one is teaching this important information, and I am so very grateful to it find here. Learning this deep about the chakras will forever be a part of who I am and how I live from today on. It was worth the journey to Bodhi Yoga!”[/blockquote]