7 Chakras Mind & Body Session 1

Syl teaches you about the chakras with a level of skill and context that you will not find anywhere else!  You will learn the four pillars of chakra alignment, essential oils for each pillar, gemstone therapy, how to clear your blocks and break free of past limitations to your mind, body, spirit!

Indroduction to the History and Wisdom of Your 7 Chakras Mind & Body:

1-02 Hidden Chakra Wisdom

44-min online Chakra Therapy class.  You begin to learn the hidden wisdom in your chakra origins,…

1-03 Chakra Nadis

53-min online Chakra Therapy class.  Discover the primary chakra catalyst, as Syl teaches how the Chakra…

1-04 The Two Chakra Paths

50-min online Chakra Therapy class.  Syl teaches the Two Chakra Paths, as you discover your liberating…

Two Bonus Classes from the Soul Weather Pro™ Astrology Life-Coach Certification:

I am happy to share these to wonderful classes (from Soul Weather Astrology)  that speak to how the planetary movements affect your chakras.  This Soul Weather Pro™ Life-coach program is normally only available for those who have completed the Bodhi Yoga™ Teacher Traning Certification (either in-person or online).  Enjoy:

7 Chakras Mind & Body Follow-up

Read pages 1-28 in your manual, followed by reviewing the first six pages of each primary chakra center in your manual.  Color your chakras in any way you choose on page 29 of your manual.  Complete Session One follow-up sheet in your certification packet (downloadable on our 7 Chakras Mind & Body private FaceBook group).  Feel free to begin using any of the essential oils (if you choose to buy the sample kit) that feel good to you.  Familiarize yourself with the liberating current Chakra Deck™ cards.