Bodhi Yoga™ Teacher Training and Certification Session 1

Welcome to the Bodhi Yoga Teacher Training, we are so very glad you're here!

This session focuses on:

  • The history of yoga
  • Introduction to teaching Pranayama (yoga breathing) and Bandhas
  • The foundation of Yoga Asana (poses) and how to sequence them for a beginning yoga class
  • Bodhi Yoga’s 3-Aspects of approaching traditional yoga poses
  • Gaining an enlightened and unique understanding of the practice that sets you apart as an exceptional guide for your students and awakens fresh perspectives in your own yoga practice.

Let’s get started: Please prepare for this session by viewing Session 1 online classes, making notes to bring great questions and discussion to our in-person session, as well as reading pages 1-41 in your manual.  Study the Bodhi Yoga™ Asana Template on pages 154-156 in the manual, along with your Session 1 laminated Yoga Asana sheet. Dive in at your own pace and savor this wonderful new journey of your personal study and practice of yoga. 

YTT Session 1 "Breath, Bone & Gesture" for learning the foundations of yoga philosophy and asana:

1-06 Discussion: Bone

Syl takes you through an overview of how to use yoga alignment and understanding of…

Practicum: Ideas for teaching your first yoga classes and teaching beginners

Beginning yoga classes are great for bringing Vata dosha back to being more grounded in their body, helping Pitta dosha moderate its prone to excess, injury, and burnout, and to get Kapha dosha into movement without overwhelming its resistance to change. Please watch and work through each of these classes.

Introduction to Yoga 2

Length: 47 min. This class introduces breathing for yoga, called pranayama. Learn the principles behind…

Introduction to Yoga 3

Length: 23 min. Restore, strengthen, energize. Learn different ways to practice yoga every day, your…

Introduction to Yoga 4

Length: 16 min. Asanas, yoga poses. This class introduces the practice and art of "steady…

Introduction to Yoga 5

Length: 60 min. Syl guides students through an hour-long beginning yoga class including asanas, pranayama,…

Bodhi Yoga™ YTT Session 1 Follow-up and preparations for Session 2:

Do your seated breath practice: and note where your body may feel tight (this will give you insights into how you should focus your yoga).  In a comfortable private space, do several rounds of OM-ing to get you to the bottom of your breath, and then try your seated breath practice again. Keeping a yoga journal will help you build your foundations for how you would like to teach.  As you play with the breath, review the class on teaching pranayama/breath in Session 2.  Note in your journal any mental, emotional, spiritual tightness that arises as well, as this gives you good insight on where your work on yourself is to do.

Practice the asana/poses on your Session 1 laminated sheet: and note where your work needs to be for your body.  Journal whatever insights come up.  Teach three people a 30-45 minute class beginning with Seated Breath, Child to all fours, Rolling up and Scrolling back to Downward-facing, walking forward into Standing-forward-arch and then Forward fold, back to Seated poses, Twist and Savasana. Begin/End your classes with an “OM”. 
Make sure to get your feedback forms completed for each teaching experience or class you lead.

Read the Compendium Article: “Yoga As a Self-Transformation”, (underline/highlight what concepts resonated with you, copy and place behind your Session 1 Follow-up sheet in your certification packet).

Read the “About” page from the Bodih Yoga™ website at:

Read the Daily Herald Article “Yoga, Not Quite the Mental Stretch it Used to Be” at:

Complete four blogposts: View Session 1 class 1-08 that shows you how to set up your blog.  If you would rather post to Facebook that is fine too, it just needs to link to  Review class 1-8 for understanding the criteria for your post to count toward certification.