“Detox” Yoga
Length54 min PropsBolsters PrerequisitesNone This BodhiFlow™ online yoga class helps clear seasonal changes in your body (allergies), open tight joints, and prepare your body and mind for the next season.…
Length54 min PropsBolsters PrerequisitesNone This BodhiFlow™ online yoga class helps clear seasonal changes in your body (allergies), open tight joints, and prepare your body and mind for the next season.…
Length62 PropsNone PrerequisitesNone This seasonal yoga class brings a centered reflection to your practice. Feel the Autumnal energy in your yoga and honor this lovely time of year. This online video is for all…
Length82 min Props Prerequisites This restorative yoga practice begins with a calming chant "Om Nama Shivaya." Repeat the beginning of the video and chant until you are comfortable chanting with…